explore the space between

Centered on the intersection of technology, consciousness and our global economy, my focus is on the vulnerability and power of our individual and collective attention.
Are you aware of what manipulates your attention and what nourishes or sharpens your attention?
When you go online, your finite and valuable attention is captured and translated into data. Your attention data is then used to train AI models, target advertisements, and influence recommendations that tailor your online experience, influence your opinions, your behavior, and ultimately the quality of your life.
How do you navigate the digital minefield that lays in wait to trap your attention every time you open your browser or pick up your phone?
Conscious Attention Literacy fosters deep personal awareness, so individuals can be in alignment with their deepest purpose and intention, and have the capacity to exercise sovereign choice.
Our attention is valuable, not because it is in high demand, but because it is powerful.
Attention gives substance to our experience of reality.
When we focus on something it comes into the foreground and all else recedes.
We are unconsciously making choices directing our attention… and those choices, conscious or not, give us the moment-to-moment experience that is our life.

In coordination with the United Nations (UN), I lead a multi-stakeholder working group that has produced Principles for a Conscious Attention Economy The purpose is to address the extractive economic pattern of global over-consumption and exponential technologies, that are wreaking havoc on human attention. The Conscious Attention Economy Principles offer building blocks that will support healthy technology innovation for the next generation conscious, mixed-reality world by infusing our digital experience with respect for the human and natural world.